Blood Groups: Name That Null!

Choose the BEST answer:

1. The inheritance of this null leads to a syndrome with hematologic and chemical abnormalities. The syndrome includes a mild compensated anemia, reticulocytosis and stomatocytosis. Haptoglobin is decreased and bilirubin is increased, as well. The null can have two origins, regulator and amorphic. Name that null!
2. Inheriting this null for the common antigens in the corresponding blood group system leads to a resistance to the malaria parasite, Plasmodium vivax. Name that null!
3. The rarest of all blood types is characterized by the absence of the common H antigen. This leads to the production of a naturally occurring, hemolytic anti-H. People with this null can only be transfused with red blood cells from other people with this null. Name that null!
4. This null produces red blood cells that are resistant to lysis by the addition of 2M Urea, allowing for donor compatibility screening for this phenotype without using antisera. Name that null!
5. Patients with this rare produce a naturally occurring antibody formerly called "anti-Tja." This antibody is actually a combination of three antibodies against three separate antigens in two different blood group systems. This antibody also has an association with miscarriages early in a pregnancy. Name that null!
6. This null phenotype is found in a blood group system that is phenotypically linked to the secretor status of the patient, and has antigens formed in body fluids such as saliva. Name that null!
7. Treating red blood cells with a sulfhydryl reagent such as DTT will artificially create red blood cells of this null, without the normally rare recessive genetic background origin. Name that null!
8. A blood group system may have a null phenotype for multiple genetic reasons. One system has a null that famously can have three possible genetic origins, two of which do not actually involve the blood system genes at all. Name that null!
9. McLeod syndrome is associated with the null in a blood group system that has only one antigen. The null can also result in a form of chronic granulomatous disease in males. Name the blood group system for that null!
10. This null produces red blood cells that lack the structures Glycophorin A and Glycophorin B and all antigens located on those structures. This results in the absence of an entire blood group system in these patients. Name that null!


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