
Malaria-endemic Area

According to the malaria guidance issued by the United States Food and Drug Administration, a malaria-endemic area is defined as any area “where CDC recommends anti-malarial chemoprophylaxis in travelers in the most current version of the CDC Health Information for International Travel (commonly known as The Yellow Book) at the time the donor is screened.”

Understanding the difference between a malaria-endemic area and a malaria-endemic country is critical in determining whether or not a U.S. blood donor will be deferred from donation. It’s pretty simple, really: Malaria-endemic areas are specific regions of countries where the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that travelers take medication to prevent malaria transmission. If there are no malaria-endemic areas in a particular country, then that country, by definition, is not a malaria-endemic country. See the definitions of “resident” and “traveler” for more information on how these definitions are used.

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